🖊️Terms of Sale


This document outlines the Terms of Sale and Ownership Rights associated with the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) of this project, We Are Topians. By engaging in a transaction, you agree to these terms and acknowledge the rights and responsibilities entailed in owning a Topian NFT.

1. Definitions

  • NFT: A blockchain-based non-fungible token representing ownership or entitlement related to digital assets in the We Are Topians Project.

  • Platform: The We Are Topians website and any associated applications or services.

  • Purchaser: An individual or entity acquiring an NFT from the We Are Topians Project.

2. Acceptance of Terms

By purchasing an NFT from We Are Topians, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Sale and confirm that you have read, understood, and accept all such terms.

3. Eligibility and Compliance

You affirm that you are of legal age to enter into this agreement and are responsible for ensuring that your purchase and ownership of an NFT comply with all local laws and regulations.

4. Ownership and Rights

4.1 Your Topian NFT Ownership

  • Ownership: Possessing a Topian NFT in your digital wallet grants you the right to trade, sell, or hold it. Kiwi Labs acknowledges your complete control and will not interfere with your ownership rights.

  • Transferability: You are free to transfer the ownership of your Topian NFT, in accordance with the terms of the blockchain.

4.2 Licensing of Topian Art

  • Rights to Use Art: Kiwi Labs retains all ownership rights over the original Topian Art. However, as an NFT holder, you are granted a license to use the art for personal and commercial purposes within set guidelines.

  • Creation of Derivative Works: You may create derivative works based on your Topian. The derivative artwork is your property, provided it adheres to our community guidelines.

4.3 Display and Usage of Topian Art

  • Display Rights: You may display your Topian Art publicly, crediting "We Are Topians" and Kiwi Labs as the original creators, and ensuring compliance with our community standards.

  • Commercial Use: Commercial use of the Topian Art is permitted, adhering to the terms and respecting Topian trademarks.

4.4 Termination of License

  • License End upon Transfer: When transferring your Topian NFT, your license to use the Topian Art ceases. You must discontinue any commercial use unless permitted by the new owner.

4.5 Acknowledgement of Kiwi Labs' Rights

  • No Endorsement: Use of Topian Art should not imply endorsement or partnership with Kiwi Labs.

  • Respect for Rights: Acknowledge and respect the intellectual property and other rights of Kiwi Labs in relation to the We Are Topians project.

5. Resale and Transfer

You may resell or transfer your NFTs within any authorized Secondary Marketplace, adhering to the marketplace's rules and these Terms.

6. No Refunds or Exchanges

All NFT purchases are final with no refunds, returns, or exchanges.

7. Risks Acknowledgement

You acknowledge and accept the risks associated with digital assets and blockchain technology.

8. Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Sale at any time.

9. Limitation of Liability

We Are Topians shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from your use of the NFTs.

10. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes are to be resolved through arbitration, waiving the right to a jury trial and class action participation.

11. Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws California, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.


Your purchase of We Are Topians NFTs signifies your agreement to these Terms of Sale. We thank you for your interest in our project and look forward to a thriving community of learners and supporters.

Last updated